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1220 이*호 영어
작성자 이찬호 등록일 20.03.27 조회수 21
명사: sister dog orange table fear paper water furniture mother brother
대명사: you he she we it they this that these those
동사: come go play run say walk be become know live
전치사: at on in of by for from with about to under
접속사: and but or as because when if so that
감탄사: oh alas ouch wow great amazing nice incredible
부사: lovely slowly fastly carefully loudly happily softly beautifully kindly smartly
형용사: beautiful amazing delicious slow small long old new kind smart
이전글 1학년 영어 과제 제출 방법
다음글 1302_김*현 영어 8품사