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1302_김*현 영어 8품사
작성자 김도현 등록일 20.03.27 조회수 22

​1 명사 : book, bird, mask, notebook, computer, television, air conditional, speaker, pen, sofa 

2 형용사 : beautiful, pretty, cute, hot, spicy, cold, handsome, good, bad, tall

3 동사 : do, be, talk, speak, meet, play, go, walk, work, finish

4 부사 : very, much, many, beautifuly, badly, goodly, coldly, quickly, slowly, really

5 전치사 : in, on, under, in front of, behind, beside, for, during, into, to

6 접속사 : and, but, so, for, or, both A and B, only A but also B,if, as, that

7 감탄사 : wow, amazing, fantastic, oh, no, hi, ​wonderful, oh my god, ouch, oops

8 대명사 : she, he, they, we, I, their, our, my, her, his

이전글 1220 이*호 영어
다음글 1608노*원영어8품사