1320_이*찬_품사별단어 |
작성자 | 이태찬 | 등록일 | 20.03.25 | 조회수 | 27 |
명사 cost crew photo guide forest hike cap jam item map
대명사 i you he she we them it your mine his
동사 go hike write hit lean cry stay mark pack sail
형용사 single right local holey free quiet easy high low flat
부사 today yesterday slowly quickly softly deeply now soon too very
전치사 in on of about behind from to with for down
접속사 and but or so for if when as soon as because not a but b
감탄사 wow oh hi ha ho no a-ha yay awwww ewwww |
이전글 | 1125 조경국 |
다음글 | 1703 김*현 영어과제(8품사) |